public speaking for children singapore

Questions that shape your child’s future

“How do I make my child future-ready?” This is an oft repeated question. Being future-ready is not an all-in-one package deal. Being future-ready in today’s climate is the ability to unlearn and learn. In this article I would like to talk about one of the important aspects of unlearning and learning – asking questions. What is the best thing you…

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creative problem solving singapore

The One Thing That Provides A Brighter Future For Your Child

What do employers look for when they select people into their teams? In the 1960’s NASA was in the midst of finding the best people for various teams. The director of NASA wanted to find a way to assign the best people in his teams. He was looking for a way to find people with the best creative ideas for teams that handle difficult problems. He…

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Learning programming workshop singapore

How Learning Programming Boosts Your Child’s Critical Thinking Skills

These days, programming forms an integral part of all aspects of our lives, from education to social media, banking and information. As Singapore works towards becoming a “smart nation”, the Ministry of Communications and Information has announced that an additional 30,000 ICT jobs need to be filled by 2020. While not every child wants a career as a programmer, learning…

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Problem solving skills in children

5 Questions to Boost Problem Solving Skills in Your Child

Your child is doing the school homework and tells you, “I don’t understand this.” How do you respond to this? Your response has far reaching effects on the problem solving skills and learning attitude of your child. What do you do when your child says “I don’t understand this”? Do you immediately help your child? Do you feel it is your responsibility…

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mathematically challenged child - dyscalculia

The Mathematically Challenged Child

“That is enough of fooling around, Nicole. You are doing finger counting. It is straight forward and there is no confusion. You are trying to make it sound like you are mathematically challenged. Stop all those silly excuses, focus and finish your work in two minutes. ” Helen was fed up of her otherwise angelic eight year old daughter Nicole’s excuses to avoid Mathematics….

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bullying affect self-esteem

This is How Bullying Could Affect Your Child’s Self-esteem

I was hurt, I was in pain, I was shattered. What I had endured from the age of 10 to 14 years old had left deep emotional wounds that would not heal. It was easier to numb the pain by suppressing it and seeking other unhealthy ways of coping. The subconscious mind is a powerful thing. It controls our thoughts,…

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Digitial footprint

Digital Footprint: A Letter to My Children

To my wonderful Tweens, When I was young, I have made several mistakes. But, I am lucky. None of those are googleable. They are not part of my digital footprint. My mistakes are safe with me. But, are you lucky like me? Unfortunately, the answer is NO.  If you make any mistakes in your adolescent years or later, the chances…

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7 Science-Backed Ways to Motivate your Child to Study

Do you think your child is able to achieve more than what they are currently getting? Many parents feel their children’s priorities are mixed up. They fear that because of this, their child’s potential to become a stellar student diminishes. This results in continuous arguments, disappointments, frustration and punishments in some cases, in the home atmosphere. Have you found it hard to motivate…

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5 Effective Ways To Build Your Child’s Vocabulary

A strong vocabulary paves the way for a child’s ability to learn, their ability to understand the world and their ability to communicate effectively with other people. The more words they know, the more they are able to make sense of what they learn. Now, what can you do to build your child’s vocabulary? Research shows that a child needs to see the…

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Science Says Your Child Should Start Writing Journals

In a 2003 study, cited in Royal College of Psychiatrists, Karen A. Baikie and Kay Wilhelm highlight the long-term and short-term positive effects of writing about life experiences. The study outlines why your child should start writing journals. “Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart.” –  William Wordsworth. Expressive writing about emotional, traumatic and stressful events results in…

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