Archive for communication for children

Sibling rivalry: 5 Easy Ways to Get Your Kids to Get Along

As a parent, it hurts when your children don’t get along with each other. It starts with a small problem and then turns into World War Three. Even though fighting among siblings is common, it has been proved that sibling relationship could affect the identities of children even after they become adults. Here are some tips to avoid such sibling rivalry.

1. Don’t Compare your Children

5 ways to reduce Sibling rivalry

When you as a parent compare your children, it is setting up the children against each other. Many experts consider this as one of the prime reasons that trigger sibling rivalry among children. They will continue to resist and build up hatred for their sibling. If you consciously begin to stop comparing them, they will stop having preconceived hate for their sibling.

2. Help Your Children

5 ways to reduce Sibling rivalry

You are a huge force in your children’s relationship with each other. Take the time to figure out the problem when it arises. As an adult, help them understand each other and encourage them to communicate their issues. You do not need to control the situation but you can clear out the misunderstandings.


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3. Know When to Step In

5 easy ways to reduce sibling rivalry

Constantly intervening during the fights can be detrimental to their relationship. It sometimes might not help and cause even more of a problem. When you can sense the fight progressing into a much bigger problem, you need to then intervene and help them.

4. Manage Your Time with Each of Your Children

5 easy ways to reduce sibling rivalry

Sometimes fights erupt from not having enough attention given to each child. As difficult as it maybe, spend time alone with each child and give them your full attention during that time. This way they know that you are available for them as much as you are available for their sibling.

5. Make Sure Your Children Say Nice Things to Each Other

5 easy ways to reduce sibling rivalry

Regularly ask your children what they like about their sibling and make sure they say it to each other. This way they know that their sibling love them regardless of what is said during a fight. It will help to build a good foundation for their relationship.

Share this article with your friends and colleagues, so that they too are aware of this amidst their busy schedules. 

Do you have any insights or tips that you use? Would you like to share that? Please use the comments section below and let us know!

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About Sharanya Venkatesh

Sharanya Venkatesh is a Political Science major. Her passion is in Geography, journalism and law. She enjoys writing about various subject and is part of various theatre productions.